The ISAF–Integrated Smart Assembly Factory project borns in order to fix the joint problem between two or more parts/structures of big dimensions in composite material and for this reason affected by the natural variability of the fabrication process. The variability creates empty space between joint parts (“gap”). The usage of connection joint (fasteners) in proximity of gap induces tensions reducing the structure capability to resist to static and fatigue loads; for this reason it is necessary to use local fillers with adequate thickness, shape and materials.
Today this problem requires the gap measurements with manual method, the shim manufacturing and adjustment in situ and makes the manual assembly activity, already considered with no high added value, less efficient in terms of quality, time and cost.
In addition, the big number of possible combinations, makes very difficult the process automation,
increasing further the associated costs. In order to reduce or eliminate this problem and to give an impulse toward an advanced technological level, the ISAF project proposes to study :
- the problem in order to understand and drive the parameters generating the variability and to know the constraints to guide the choices
- an automatized and integrated solution to measure and eliminate the gap, operating adjusting the fabrication tools of parts
- Study different solution to built automatized and integrated filler with traditional or innovative material using additive/subtractive technologies.
ISAF has the intent to formulate a new factory model, an “Integrated Smart Assembly Factory”, in which will be realized a new sustainable production process, combining new (additive) and consolidate(subtractive) technologies, using as much as possible the potentiality of the acquisition and the real time numerical analysis of big data coming from “field” (geometry and Key Process Parameters). In this way will be fixed also the actual problems linked to safety because of composite and non composite shim sanding and bonding.
The project is an important opportunity for partners to increase the competiveness level by means of study and solutions and technologies. Additive solutions offer a huge possibility to develop the technological sector.
In terms of occupational impact on the reference area the project places the condition to get stronger the innovation path.